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Unterwegs – moderne und historische Kirchen und Kapellen
Out and about – modern and historical churches and chapels

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Cathedral, Aachen, Germany
Cathedral, Aachen, Germany
Russian Orthodox Church, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Russian Orthodox Church, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Russian Orthodox Church, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Russian Orthodox Church, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Russian Orthodox Church, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Bell tower and building of the Dutch Reformed Church, Middelburg, South Africa
Bell tower and building of the Dutch Reformed Church, Middelburg, South Africa
Bell tower and building of the Dutch Reformed Church, Middelburg, South Africa
The Stykkisholmskirkja, designed by Jon Haraldsson, is a modern white church at Stykkisholmur. Consecrated 1990
The Stykkisholmskirkja, designed by Jon Haraldsson, is a modern white church at Stykkisholmur. Consecrated 1990
The Stykkisholmskirkja, designed by Jon Haraldsson, is a modern white church at Stykkisholmur. Consecrated 1990
The Stykkisholmskirkja, designed by Jon Haraldsson, is a modern white church at Stykkisholmur. Consecrated 1990
The Stykkisholmskirkja, designed by Jon Haraldsson, is a modern white church at Stykkisholmur. Consecrated 1990
Scenic view at Stykkisholmur, Iceland, with small boats at low tide and the modern white church Stykkishólmskirkja on a rocky hill, designed by Jon Haraldsson
Blonduoskirkja, modern church of Blönduós, Iceland, Designed by Dr. Maggi Jónsson to resemble an erupting volcano. Consecrated in 1993
Blonduoskirkja, modern church of Blönduós, Iceland, Designed by Dr. Maggi Jónsson to resemble an erupting volcano. Consecrated in 1993
Blonduoskirkja, modern church of Blönduós, Iceland, Designed by Dr. Maggi Jónsson to resemble an erupting volcano. Consecrated in 1993
Glaumbaejarkirkja, church of Glaumbaer, northern Iceland, surrounded by old gravestones
Akureyrarkirkja, designed by Guðjón Samúelsson, Lutheran church of Akureyri, Northern Iceland

Torfkirche von Groef Island

Die Torfkirche von Groef, die Grafarkirkja (Bilder rechts) im Norden von Island, ist die älteste Kirche des Landes. Sie wurde im späten 17. Jh. erbaut, vermutlich an der Stelle einer noch früheren Kirche. Die Kirche war lange Zeit entweiht und diente Bauern als Lager für Werkzeug und Gerät. Ihre anderthalb Meter dicken Mauern bestehen aus Torf.

Historic turf church of Groef, Iceland
Historic turf church of Groef, Iceland

Groef Peat Church – Iceland

The peat church of Groef, the Grafarkirkja (pictured left) in the north of Iceland, is the oldest church in the country. It was built in the late 17th century, probably on the site of an even earlier church. The church was desecrated for a long time and served farmers as storage for tools and equipment. Its one and a half meter thick walls are made of peat.

Cathedral, Limburg/Lahn, Germany
Cathedral, sculpture Nepomuk, Limburg/Lahn, Germany
Cathedral, sculpture Nepomuk, Limburg/Lahn, Germany
Church Saints Cosmas and Damian, Clervaux, Luxembourg
Church, Weicherdange, Luxembourg
St. John the Baptist Catholic Mission, Carcross, Yukon, Canada
Igloo church, Our Lady of Victory, Inovik, Northwest Territories, Canada

Kirche Our Lady of the Way – Haines Junction

1954 wollte der katholische Pater E. Morriset am Alaska Highway in Haines Junction eine Kirche erbauen. Als er sich dort umsah, stieß er auf eine alte verlassene Quonsetbaracke, eine längliche, in Leichtbauweise gefertigte Behausung aus Wellblech mit halbkreisförmigem Querschnitt. Wellblechbaracken dieser Art hatte die US Army damals beim Bau des Alaska Highway errichtet und nach Fertigstellung des Highway einfach zurückgelassen. Eine davon auch beim heutigen Haines Junction. Diese baute der Priester zu einer der ungewöhnlichsten Kirchen um, zur Kirche Our Lady of the Way (Bild rechts).


Church Our Lady of the Way, Haines Junction, Yukon, Canada

Our Lady of the Way Church – Haines Junction

In 1954, Catholic Father E. Morriset wanted to build a church on the Alaska Highway in Haines Junction. While looking around, he came across an old abandoned Quonset hut, an elongated lightweight prefabricated dwelling made of corrugated metal with a semicircular cross-section. Corrugated iron huts of this kind had been built by the US Army during the construction of the Alaska Highway and simply left behind after the highway was completed. One of them also at today’s Haines Junction. The priest converted it into one of the most unusual churches, the Church of Our Lady of the Way (picture left).

St. Christopher’s Kirche – Haines Junction

Freiwillige und Sträflinge eines Gefängnisses haben in den 1980er Jahren schwere Baumstämme herangeschleppt und damit die anglikanische St. Christopher’s Kirche (Bilder rechts) erbaut. Am Alaska Highway in Haines Junction. Unter Leitung des ortsansässigen Schreiners Henry Henkel. Nach dessen eigenem Plan. Heute ist in der historischen Blockhauskirche eine Kunstgalerie untergebracht, in der Künstler, Kunsthandwerker, Fotografen und Schriftsteller ihre Werke ausstellen und verkaufen.

Saint Christopher’s Church, an eight-sided log church built around 1990 on Alaska Highway, Haines Junction, Yukon, Canada
Saint Christopher’s Church, an eight-sided log church built around 1990 on Alaska Highway, Haines Junction, Yukon, Canada

St. Christopher’s Church – Haines Junction

Volunteers and convicts from a prison hauled in heavy logs in the 1980s to build St. Christopher’s Anglican Church (pictured left). On the Alaska Highway in Haines Junction. Under the direction of local carpenter Henry Henkel. According to his own plan. Today, the historic log church houses an art gallery where artists, craftsmen, photographers and writers exhibit and sell their work.

Church of St. Christopher, Mount Currie, British Columbia, Canada
St Pauls Church, Kitwanga at Highway 16, British Columbia, Canada. Old, wooden tower with the original bell of the 1893 bell tower
The wooden Anglican Church of St. John the Divine in Yale, built in 1863, is one of the oldest churches in British Columbia, Canada.
Église du Sacré-Cœur et Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes and World War I Memorial Interallie, Liège, Belgium. On a hill at Cointe, a suburb of the Belgian city of Liege.
Église du Sacré-Cœur et Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Liège, Belgium. On a hill at Cointe, a suburb of the Belgian city of Liege
Église du Sacré-Cœur et Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Liège, Belgium. On a hill at Cointe, a suburb of the Belgian city of Liege
Church of St. Magdalene, Villnöß, South Tyrol, Italy
Parish Church of the Assumption, Brunico (Bruneck), Pustertal, South Tyrol, Italy
Church of St. Jacob, Nasen, Puster Valley, South Tyrol, Italy
Church of St. Jacob, Nasen, Puster Valley, South Tyrol, Italy
Church of St. Jacob, Nasen, Puster Valley, South Tyrol, Italy
Chapel at the Antonio Locatelli refuge, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy
Forest Chapel, Sesto, South Tyrol, Italy
Inside the Forest Chapel, Sesto, South Tyrol, Italy
Chapel at Lake Prags or Lake Braies, South Tyrol, Italy
Church, St. Veit, South Tyrol, Italy
Church, St. Veit, South Tyrol, Italy
Chapel Krebsbach (to the Holy Cross), Mieminger Plateau, Tyrol, Austria
St. Coloman Church, Schwangau, Germany
Monastery church, Birnau, Germany
Monastery church, Birnau, Germany
Monastery church, Birnau, Germany
Church of St. Magdalene, Villnöß, South Tyrol, Italy
Church of St. Magdalene, Villnöß, South Tyrol, Italy
Church of St. Magdalene, Villnöß, South Tyrol, Italy
The Stykkisholmskirkja, designed by Jon Haraldsson, is a modern white church at Stykkisholmur. Consecrated 1990
Christ Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Windhoek, Namibia, Africa
Christ Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Windhoek, Namibia, Africa